Do you have hazardous items that need to be disposed of? Are you willing to protect our environment and dispose of them properly? If yes, please visit the Santa Clara County Environmental Health web site at Click on Operating Schedule for the next San Jose area drop off and to make your appointment on line. Proof of county residency is required (Drivers License or utility bill.) Their phone number is 408-299-7300.
As an aside your webmaster has used this service twice. There is generally a Saturday series of appointments. Put your items in the trunk of your car or in the “way back” of a SUV and the workers will remove your items for you. You don’t even need to get out of the car.
What is “hazard waste?” The following item CANNOT go into the dumpsters. Flammables include paints, dry or wet, petroleum based products and polishes. Corrosives include acids, bases / alkalines, batteries and drain clog remover. Toxics include poisons, pesticides, gardening chemicals, ammonia and solvents. Oxidizers include pool chemicals, hydrogen peroxide, iodine and perchlorates. Miscellaneous items such as propane, helium, small oxygen tanks and smoke detectors. Check the web site for details and help keep our community and environment safe.